DnH500 toon: not so christmas special

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New cartoon, my biggest and the best. Its got santa, drinking, dancing, plenty of music and a cowboy. What more could you want?
Load it from here.

Google in 20years

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Google in 20years
Originally uploaded by yanavf.


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Yesterday ben and I went to nottingham on the train just to go to the dropkick murphy / less than jake gig. Was pretty amazing. Support was the living end. Who were good.

This is a video I took at the gig

MSN convo

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When you're trying to cut down on drinking try not to surround yourself with drunk people on the internet.

Anonymous says:
lmfao..i was darn close to falling off the television
Richard... says:
u peed on the tv
Anonymous says:
Anonymous says:
i mean toilet hahahahahahahah