Leffe Brune

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Pours a clear deep red colour with a good white head. Aroma is fruits, chocolate and burnt caramel malt. Tastes simpler than its aroma and appearance. Sweet toasted malt with slight raisins-cherry fruit hint. After taste, though malt dominated, has a nice bitter taste. 6,5% strength.

Rating: Good.
As you can see am a professional at rating beer
Overall: Would be great to see this stronger and possibly more concentrated, however its an enjoyable Belgium beer.


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I've moved this blog over to linuxandbeer.blogspot.com to consentrate on linux and beer.

Updated your bookmarks as they use to say in the 90s.

You know what, that was a stupid idea. The two topics didn't go - who would have thought. Ill keep using this place I don't care about SEO crap.

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