After coming across a funny photo of a linux crash I decided to digg it and see what would happen. A lot of claims that it was not a crash from linux fan boys also a lot of windows comments... Where did windows come from I just don’t know. Geeks will try the OS war for anything. Everyone knows I am a strong supporter of open source software. Did the little kill bill picture give me away!
It dam right pisses (sorry for language) me off when idiots who claim to be "leet" (Lamer talk) and start a rather childish effort for a flame war. Here I am a linux user! Posting a funny picture of linux crashing (a rare sight) and some geek/nerd posts of a comment to down play linux (fair its on topic) and boast about windows, totally off the topic.
"Warning: The Content in this Article is Under Review, Readers have reported that this story contains information that may not be accurate." is just about on the post non stop, even when its nearly 24 hours old. I think the linux fans cannot accept it. Theres no big deal! I think the review feature for posts that seem to be not accurate to be a good idea. How many times does it need to be reviewed? There was plenty of linux users putting the crash down to hardware... that doesnt matter... its running linux. When windows blue screens (there i go off topic) you don't say "o thats my memory crashing".
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