Wii on the Potatoes yeah?

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My sister bought a Wii last week. I don't really know what to make of it. I do like the controls when playing sports games on it or Nintendo produced games however the others are shoddy bad from what I have played.
All that being said I'd rather have a Wii than a over the top ps3 or xbox360 which are hardware bloated. As far as I can see the only time you need that much cpu is for a server of some kind. So the wii kinda hit the mark on that one.

Past week Iv put in some potatoes on the allotment. Hopefully, come autumn, Ill have some chips!

I also have corn, tomatoes, spring onions and pumpkins. Self-Sufficient(-ish) or what? I was going to have hops but they wont get started. I sowed them in September!. Hopefully they will grow soon. And no I'm not going to buy rhizome (hop roots). Wheres the fun in that?

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